Empirical Support for the JCM

The JCM has generated a great deal of research. Extensive results suggest that jobs high on the core job characteristics produce higher motivation, satisfaction, and performance outcomes in employees. For example, support for the model's utility can be found in a comprehensive analysis of over 75 research studies that supported many of the proposed relationships among the model's variables (Fried and Ferris, 1986). An additional meta-analysis of research on the Job Descriptive Survey (JDS), the instrument used to test the JCM, (Loher, Noe, Moeller & Fitzgerald, 1985) found that the best estimate of the correlation between core job characteristics and job satisfaction is .39 (p < .05) and that employees high in GNS have the most positive outcomes when their jobs are perceived to be high on the core job characteristics in the JCM.

However, empirical findings also suggest the model warrants further investigation. For example, the factor structure of the job dimensions in the JCM has been found to vary, in some cases, by job population and educational level of incumbent. Finally, there is growing recognition that the utility of the model needs to be evaluated with regard to distinct populations of working adults.

Research Hypotheses

This research is guided by a number of overarching hypotheses:

1. The JCM or a modified version of the JCM will generalize to the population of working adults with severe and persistent mental illness.

2. Variables in the JCM or a modified version of the JCM will suggest intervention and implementation strategies for improving "matches" between jobs and persons who are currently employed.

There are numerous specific hypotheses that will be tested within these two broad hypotheses.

Research Sites

The research is being formally conducted in four research sites. Within each site, the research team works primarily with one agency. The research sites include Franklin County (The Center of Vocational Alternatives, COVA); Montgomery County (Eastco, Inc.); Portage County (the Kevin Coleman Center and Community Counseling Services, Inc.); and Lucas County (Network, Inc., a division of the Zepf Center).

Project Phases

The project is occurring in four phases over a five-year period. The major goals and updates detailing progress (Phases I & II) towards these goals are outlined below.

Phase I: Job Taxonomy Development Phase (year 1 and year 2)

Goals of this phase: To identify needed modifications to the JCM, to develop measures and data gathering approaches for testing the JCM, and to develop a preliminary JCM-based taxonomy for members or subgroups of the target population.

Progress, Phase I

• Expansion of the JCM for the SPMI population following extensive qualitative data gathered via interviews and focus groups involving major stakeholder groups (consumers, mental health professionals, and vocational rehabilitation professionals).

• Development of the Job Profile Questionnaire (JPQ), based upon instruments that tap JCM constructs. Items were written to be consistent with a third-grade reading level.

• JPQ versions were developed for consumers currently working (JPQ - Current), and consumers who had recently worked, in which the focal job is the last job held within the past six months (JPQ - Last). A single JPQ version was developed for staff as a companion to the consumer versions for current and last jobs.


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